10 cute little pets that can be raised in the condo no problem

believe that the lives of each person in the present era Filled with various stories, causing many people to choose to raise animals as a trusted friend when feeling lonely by Pets can give us unconditional love as well. love Let everyone get to know each other friendly people Suitable for raising in confined spaces Let's go and see.


1. Goldfish

       Goldfish is a well-known beautiful fish. and is believed to be auspicious fish If raised, it will help enhance feng shui in terms of financial fortune. It is also a fish that is friendly to people. When someone walks near the fish tank or puts his hand in the water, he will swim closer and be friendly with other fish in the tank. bad habits Live together in a herd, silent, but sometimes easily startled.


2. Dwarf shrimp

              Dwarf shrimp is another beautiful pet that is popular now. Some species look like shrimp floss. can be found commonly in Asia from China, Japan, Vietnam, including Thailand Dwarf shrimp, but different species Each area has different colors and patterns. Suitable for people who like beautiful aquatic animals. Add color to the condo room.


3. Tortoise

            Currently, the Exotic Pet group of reptiles is getting more and more popular. For 'Turtle' is a group of reptiles that have a special characteristic is a thick hard shell and strong short legs. Known for its slow movement and longevity. and is a pet that is notable for its hardy nature and requires relatively modest care. from small to large and have a wide range of physical and behavioral characteristics Most of them have a habit that is friendly to people, is cute, walks around slowly, suitable for people who have a slow life lifestyle or do not like chaotic pets.


4. Hamster

            It is a rodent that is very popular in our country. Can be purchased in a variety that is inexpensive Buy it as the first pet without hesitation. The reason why many people choose to raise hamsters It is inevitable that the shape is fat and round. small cute have personality and a variety of colors Including hamsters are also pets that use less space. no noise At least there is only a little bit of screeching sound from time to time, suitable for raising in a condo room.


5. Sugar Glider

            Cute little flying kangaroo Anyone who is looking for a friend to stay with at night, say that Sugar Glider definitely meets your needs. Because Nong is an animal that sleeps during the day and seeks food at night. Raising housing matters, I recommend a vertical cage with a little height for the younger ones to climb. exercise to reduce stress Sugar's diet Currently, food for sugar is constantly being developed and improved in quality. Sugar glider-specific foods can be easily purchased from pet food stores or online.


6. Dwarf hedgehog

            The hedgehog is a hedgehog that resembles a hedgehog. but the size of a guinea pig Native to Europe, Africa and Asia, but some species are found in New Zealand. Currently, there are both species in the tropical zone. And the species likes to live in cool weather. It is also an animal that is easy to raise. have a clever personality but moving slow When moving anywhere, it will gradually move with a walking posture similar to that of a pig, but if frightened or encountering danger, it can cut its feet. Or stop and curl up in a soccer ball until you're sure it's safe from the threat before it begins to loosen and stretch.


7. cat

                If talking about cats, I believe that many people would think of their cuteness like no other until it makes many people fall in love until becoming cat slaves without realizing it. Cats are pets that have a high self-esteem. Not very attached to the owner Cats will come to us only when they want to. And that's what all cat lovers say is the charm of cats. Cat breeds that we recommend to raise in condos should have many qualities that do not cry, prefer to stay at home, do not run away, do not lose much hair, such as Thai cats, roan cats, white cats, British Shorthairs. and all short-haired cat breeds


8. Small breed dogs

           No matter what you're going through, the dog will always be by your side. If you want a trusted friend who keeps following you and listening. Small breed dogs can definitely meet your needs. small dog breed It is advisable to raise them in condos, they should have neat properties. The bark is not very loud. not much hair loss The body size is not too big, such as Chihuahua, Shih Tzu, Pug, Yorkshire Terrier, Toy Poodle.



             If talking about pets that people like to bring together in the house. besides dogs and cats Rabbits are considered as one of the most popular pets. with its cuteness Whether it's soft fur and cute eyes, it's not difficult to raise. Do not make noise as well But since there are many species of rabbits Each species has different characteristics and strengths. Today we bring 10 cute rabbit breeds to recommend to those who are interested in raising rabbits to try and consider choosing.


10. Ferret

            A fluffy little ferret with mischievous eyes. It is an animal that originated in Europe and is very popular in both Europe and America. Adults are about 35-50 cm long, females are usually smaller. Due to its not very large size, it can be kept in a small room. However, ferrets need a climbing area, the size of the cage must be large in order for ferrets to climb like in nature.


           Hopefully friends will get ideas on what to choose to raise in a small room, raise in a condo room that has quite limited space. However, raising animals is no different from raising children. which should be held accountable Because all pets need love. and attention If neglected It will make animals have bad health. under stress and live an unhappy life Therefore, before deciding to raise an animal, no matter what kind of animal it is. Should study the information thoroughly and consider carefully before And another important thing is each condo project There are different rules for raising pets. Friends can choose a condo that allows pets from https://www.thebkkresidence.com


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